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  • 12 Sensor Detection System
  • Audio + Visual Alerts
  • Large Detection Zone
  • Integrates with backup camera system

The RVS-SUR-SDSU12 is a 12 sensor surround detection system for rear view camera systems that warns drivers of potential obstacles around their vehicle. The system projects an image of a vehicle on the monitor, showing activation for each individual sensor. The Surround Sensor Detection System can be connected to either the reverse wire for activation when backing up or hardwired to constant power. In addition to the visual warning, the system also includes a speaker for audio alerts. If using the speaker, it will continue emitting warning beeps even if the monitor is turned off. The front/rear sensors can detect objects to a maximum of 16ft. The optimal detection distance of these sensors is 10ft. Depending on the distance from the object, the display color (light green/dark green/yellow/red/STOP) and frequency/volume of the audio alerts will change. The sensors on the side of the vehicle have a maximum detection distance of 10ft. These sensors will show dark green/yellow/red symbols based on the distance from the object. A black dot will appear in the place of a sensor if it is not properly connected to the main hub. This Surround Sensor Detection System is also available in a a six sensor configuration.


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